Horses Help to Heal the Human Spirit
At Wild Horse Mountain Farms, our goal is to always work towards understanding the horses’, and our students’, thoughts and feelings.
Our mission is to help students understand how to build a trusting relationship with their horse, to teach them not to make judgements, to help them develop a powerful sense of their own integrity, and to feel a respect and kinship with all living things.
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
– Winston S. Churchill
About Wild Horse Mountain Farms

I knew in my heart that driving down that old gravel road would lead to a future in wellness, both for the horse and it’s owner. For the past twelve years, I have watched my dreams come into reality and take form as Wild Horse Mountain Farms!
Wellness and foundational horsemanship is the primary focus at WHMF. True wellness stems from thoughtful horsemanship. We believe that patience and mindfulness produces learning, understanding, trusting, and connecting with our equine companions.
I have come to embrace that the mind of the rider must come from a place of empathy when interacting with these magnificent animals. A ‘soft mind’ is produced in a horse when a handler is willing to nurture. I firmly believe that horses are healers of the human spirit.